Barry Frey
'‘DOOH – extending the OOH horizons’'
As President and CEO of the Digital Place-based Advertising Association (DPAA), Barry Frey oversees all operations driving awareness, value and revenue to the fast growing DOOH advertising space. The DPAA provides industry leadership to publishers, technology, programmatic, content and data companies. It fosters collaboration between the DOOH community and ad agencies, providing leadership, best practices and standards in areas such as mobile integration, location data and programmatic.
During Barry's tenure, he has vastly grown the organisation's membership base, opening the DPAA's doors to businesses in ad tech and the global ecosystem. He has brought the entire DOOH industry to its highest level of recognition in large part through his creation of the "Video Everywhere" marketing campaign. This initiative has helped position DOOH companies as important players in the video, digital and programmatic advertising market seen by brands, agencies, the press and financial analysts.
The Video Everywhere campaign is also reflected in the DPAA's annual conference, now called the Video Everywhere Summit.