Roda Mehta
Chairperson - Technical Committee – MRUC Ashok Das - Managing Director - Hansa Research
'Developing a currency for Outdoor Advertising – The IOS model'
From her early years in the profession, Roda found herself responsible for whatever social marketing programs the agency undertook like the Indian Cancer Society, adult literacy and the national postal service. Gaining experienced in building relationships and motivating Government bureaucracies at the Center, State, District and Block levels, she opted out of advertising in 1998 after qualifying from the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School in 1996. She then committed herself to consulting in the not-for-profit sector and found herself engaged in efforts to provide millions of marginal and small farmers in India and Bangladesh the means to peddle their way out of subsistence and poverty through the adoption of low-technology manual irrigation systems; researching avenues for the promotion of Kerala’s cashew in the world’s largest consuming market - the US, enabling Indian NGOs to access foreign donations secured through ICICI’s Give India payment gateway, and so on..
A frequent speaker at national and international forums and training programs, Roda Mehta has among much recognition been inducted into the Hall of Fame by the Advertising Club of Calcutta in 2000 and Srijon Samman in 2006, and was one among 4 to receive the first Lifetime Achievement Awards of the Advertising Club of Bombay in 2003.
Roda lives in Pune and is constantly amazed at how little the wheels of change move in the adverting industry!