Mukesh Gupta
General Secretary - DOAA
'How Delhi got its groove back'
Mukesh Gupta is Managing Director of Graphis Ads and the General Secretary of Delhi Outdoor Advertisers Association since the last 12 years.Delhi Outdoor Advertisers Association has been in existence since 1994. All leading outdoor media owners of Delhi are the members of this association.
• The DOAA has been quite active since the last four years.
• It is actively interacting with MCD on the formulation of policies concerning outdoor advertising in Delhi.
• Because of the active interference of the Association, MCD has begun to implement the BOT projects e.g.Public Utilities etc.
• This association has been able to take care of the professional interests of individual members because of the collective nature of its functioning and representation.
• The association members are committed to the advertisers, policy-making bodies and the society at large. To the advertisers - providing value for money advertising, to the policy making bodies – adhering to the rules and guidelines and to the society – managing outdoor sites responsibly without hindrance to traffic and enhance the beauty of the capital city.