Praveen Vadhera
Country Head - OOH - 141 Wall Street
'Moving the OOH to next level- engaging the consumer through OOH'
In the business for last 17 years,having worked across disciplines of OOH, Retail, Promotions & Events Currently Country head -141 Wall Street a division of Bates 141 one of the leading OOH specialists, for last two years. 141 Wall Street came into existence in earlier avatar as RMG david Outdoors as part of the Ogilvy 9 years ago with joining of Praveen Vadhera and since then it undergone various changes to become one the leading OOH specialists in the country.
During his stint in RMG he was also instrumental in setting up Ogilvy Signscapes the retail wing of Ogilvy action.
Earlier to this he played and active role in setting up in setting Primesite (Mudra) in two and a half years it was one of the leading players in Delhi.