Jiveshdeep Singh Sandhu

Jiveshdeep Singh Sandhu

Nissan Motor India Pvt. Ltd.

A marketeer with 16+ years of cross industry experience.  Jivesh has led integrated marketing communication teams across major MNCs in the country. Even though he started his career as a traditional marketing person but has evolved to become a proficient digital marketing professional. Known as an “evangelist” of the new medium. Credited with setting up the digital media wing and leading some of the industry first initiatives in the digital medium. More importantly he has led the integration of traditional and new media successfully. 


He has managed almost all roles across marketing function with progressively larger mandates. In addition to this he has spent time in business development and operations thus truly making his profile a well-rounded one.  His motto of “think like a customer” has always driven him to work on marketing initiatives which have contributed to achievement of business objectives as well. 


Passionate about sustainable development he actively propagates technologies which are working towards making this planet a better place for our future generations